Titles of the Holy Mother Mary

Queen of Heaven
Blessed Among Women
Blessed Virgin Mary
Bride of Christ
Bride of Heaven
Bride of the Father
Conceived Without Original Sin
Crown of Virginity
Dispenser of Grace
Ever Virgin
Flower of Carmel
Free From Every Stain
Full of Grace
Handmaid of the Lord
Health of the Sick
Helper of All in Danger
Immaculate Conception
Immaculate Heart
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Immaculate Mary
Immaculate Mother
Immaculate Virgin
Lady of Good Help
Lady of Grace
Lady of Mercy
Lady of Peace
Lady of Perpetual Help
Lady of the Rosary
Lady of Sorrows
Lady of Victory
Mary the Blessed Virgin
Mary Mother of God
Mary Queen of Angels
Mary Queen of Peace
Mary Star of the Sea
Mater Dei
Morning Star
Mother and Virgin
Mother of God
Mother of Good Counsel
Mother of Jesus Christ
Mother of Our Savior
Mother of the Church
Mystical Rose
New Eve
Our Immaculate Queen
Patroness and Protectoress
Queen assumed into Heaven
Queen conceived without original sin
Queen of All Saints
Queen of Angels
Queen of Apostles
Queen of Confessors
Queen of Families
Queen of Heaven
Queen of Heaven and Earth
Queen of Martyrs
Queen of Patriarchs
Queen of Peace
Queen of Prophets
Queen of the most Holy Rosary
Queen of Virgins
Salve Regina
Star of the Sea
Virgin by the Sea
Virgin Mother
Virgin of Charity
Woman Clothed With the Sun