Novena to the Holy Mother of Gidle

Health of the Sick, pray for us


The pilgrims visiting the Sanctuary of the Holy Mother of Gidle ask very often for prayer to the Holy Mother of Gidle. They would like to find the most appropriate way, which is typical for each Sanctuary devoted to the Holy Mother, the way of praising Holy Mary and the way of presenting their requests to Her. In the Sanctuary of Gidle we turn to the Holy Mother the most often using the invocation from the Litany „Health of the Sick, pray for us”. The Most Holy Mary is also often called in Gidle as the Patroness of farmers and miners, the Patroness of the people working in the country and under the earth. These last two titles, The Most Holy Mary is indebted among others for circumstances, in which Her Figure was found in Gidle, the Figure through which comes a lot of graces. Fulfilling the requests of citizens of Gidle and the numerous pilgrims, we give Novena for the use of worshippers of The Most Holy Mary. It is a collection of prayers for the period of nine days. Saying these prayers, we ask the Mother of Jesus for Her special intercession in Lord.

Let these prayers help everybody, who say them, still fuller praising the Most Holy Mary, who always remains the Guide for us, on the ways of Faith, who remains the Teacher of Christian life and our Advocate at the Lord.

The way of saying the novena to the Holy Mother of Gidle

  1. In the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
    Initial prayer.
  2. A meditation prayer provided for every following day of novena.
  3. The Mystery of the Holy Rosary, indicated for the day.
  4. Antiphon: Under Your protection.
  5. The invocation to the Holy Mother, the most often used in Gidle.

In the last day of novena, we say Litany of Loreto to the Holy Mother, Under Your protection… and Saint Bernard’s prayer: Remember, O most Gracious Virgin Mary…, instead of a Mystery of the Holy Rosary

Novena to the Holy Mother of Gidle

Initial prayer

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that any one who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, and sought thy intercession, was left unaided. The words of this prayer, born from the experience of numerous generations, remind also me, Holy Mary, that my only hope is in You, that with You, I will find help in my difficult needs. So many times You go Herself and meet humanity, indicating these special places, at which You desire to hear, what is important for people in their lives and for what Your children are calling to You. In the Figure of Gidle, who was found in the soil, fertile the bread, You one more time confirm Your care for us and Your proximity to us. Remembering, how generously You answered to the requests of people praying in front of Your picture of Gidle, I turn to You, Mother, called, especially in Gidle, Health of the Sick, for a grace (…) .

Let Your intercession and help, for which I humbly ask, make from me a faithful worshiper and servant. Let open my heart also for Your request from Cana of Galilee: „Do everything, what My Son will tell you”.

O, Mother of the Incarnate Word, do not despise my requests, but hear them and graciously hear. Amen.

The first day of novena

I head to You, the Lady of Gidle, my requests in hope, that You will hear them and You will come with help, I have full consciousness of the need of better understanding of You and learning from You how to live with the Lord in every day. You knew the best from people how to do it. In the first day of my beseeching novena I stop myself on the Mystery of Annunciation, in which You show me, how a person should open himself/herself to the Lord, to His Holy Will and how should cooperate with Him, when He calls us to this and invites us. In the Mystery of Annunciation, You indicate me, Holy Mary, that the Lord and His Holy Will is the highest commitment, to which we need to submit all, also our own plans and dreams about happy life. I am learning so, Holy Mary, from You this truth, which is sometimes difficult for me to receive. You also asked: „How it will happen?”, when the affairs announced to You by the Angel appeared to You inconceivable. And the answer was enough for You, that behind all of it stayed the Lord and His Holy Power. Holy Mary, the Most Precious Mother, heading to You my request for help in my affairs, I ask You also, teach me how to hear and receive this, what is the Will of our Father. Teach me answer from the bottom of my heart using Your words: „Here I, Servant of the Lord, let it will happen according to your word”. Amen.

The Mystery of the Holy Rosary:

The Annunciation to the Most Holy Virgin Mary.
Under Your protection...
Health of the Sick, pray for us.
The Holy Mother of Gidle, pray for us.

The second day of novena

To fulfil every day Your, Mary, recommendation from Cana of Galilee, it is necessary day by day look for Jesus Christ and firmly stay by Him. Only in such case His words penetrate into a heart and move conscience. Everyday I should be with the Lord Jesus Christ so close, in order I do not lose anything. However my weaknesses make difficult for me to remain in this decision. Sometimes the long days are passing, during which I do not perceive the Lord Jesus, I do not exert myself for a meeting with Him. It may happen even worse thing, when a sin will carry away me from Him so far, that I do not know even, where I should look for Him and how to come back to Him. That is why I address to You, Mary, for help in finding Your Son Jesus Christ everyday. You always were with Him, the faithful Servant of the Lord. You knew also how to look for Him persistently and with the Lord Jesus found in the temple, come back together to the affairs of everyday life in Nazareth. The Lady of Gidle, Health of the Sick, be my help, my Guide and Teacher in looking for the Lord Jesus everyday and in hearing His words. Amen. 

The Mystery of the Holy Rosary:

The Finding of the Lord Jesus in the temple.
Under Your protection...
Help of the Christian, pray for us.
The Holy Mother of Gidle, pray for us.

The third day of novena

Turning to You, the Mother of Gidle, for help and intercession at the Lord for a special grace in affair (…) I can not forget about my own obligation of giving love and bringing help for these, who expect this help from me. Everyday I meet people, who need my hands, my time, my word and kindly heart. After all the Lord Jesus Christ said also to me: „Whatever you did to one of these who are in need, you did it to Me”. And again I turn sight to You, Holy Mary, in order to learn from You how to love and carry help to other people, as You did it. You, full of Grace, protecting in Yours womb the Word, who became the Body, hurrying to Elizabeth, in order to serve her with help in the important circumstances of her life. Looking intently at the Son in Cana of Galilee, You perceive the troubles of people and You want immediately to remedy these troubles. I know, Holy Mary, that only a person full of Grace, unified with the Lord, will hear even the most quiet calling for a help from a suffering person and will afford full unselfish engagement in affairs of another person. And a lot of people wait for my help. Can I at least perceive it and say about their troubles to Your Son?

The Lady of Gidle, called also the Patroness of farmers and miners, the Advocate of people who have difficult and sometimes dangerous work, teach me to perceive and understand the needs of people. Teach me to share everyday at least a little of love with these people, who need it from me especially. Amen. 

The Mystery of the Holy Rosary:

The Visitation of Saint Elizabeth.
Under Your protection...
Comforter of the afflicted, pray for us.
The Holy Mother of Gidle, pray for us.

The fourth day of novena

It could not lack You, Holy Mary, at the Lord Jesus, Your Son, when He went to Calvary, carrying on His shoulders the Cross of our salvation. You carried at that time faithful Mother’s love, becoming our Co-Redeemer. You suffered at this, what happened to Your Son from people, to whom He earlier had announced the words of hope, teachings about the Kingdom, whom He had given a grace of healing, or whom He had fed giving the miraculously reproduced bread. Mother of beautiful love, teach also me everyday how to find my place and always stay next to You and the Lord Jesus Christ. Sometimes, I join to these people, for whom the Way of the Cross of Your Son is indifferent, or even perhaps causes a difficult to understand satisfaction. Now, when I bring to You a special request in my affair, I realise better, where my place should be. And this place, next to You, Holy Mary, I desire always to occupy. Mother, add courage to me, support me in the moments of despair and discouragement, call me, if I try to carry away. Your presence on the Way of the Cross did not stop, You still accompany to all of them, who – burdened by a cross in whichever shape – follow Your Son. Mother of suffering people, turn Your face also at me, hurry to me with help, especially in this affair, which I recommend to You. Amen.

The Mystery of the Holy Rosary:

The Carrying of the Cross by the Lord Jesus.
Under Your protection...
Hope of the oppressed, pray for us.
The Holy Mother of Gidle, pray for us.

The fifth day of novena

The words said by the Lord Jesus on the Cross to You, Mother and to the beloved pupil John, and in his person to all of us: „Women, here Your son” and „Son, here Your Mother, Mary” are for me a great happiness and hope. Saying these words, the Lord Christ indicated You, Holy Mary, as That Person, who by Her maternity Heart encompasses the whole humanity and in Mother’s way join her history. You, as every mother, offer up unlimited love for Your children, especially for those who suffer, when they try, sometimes helplessly, overcome difficulties of everyday life. These words of the Lord Jesus Christ embolden also me, to turn to You, Holy Mary, as to Mother, and call for Your help and intercession in my difficult affairs, which I with big confidence entrust to You. At the same time I realise, to what oblige me these words of Your Son. I should as John, invite You, Holy Mary, to my life, to its everyday’s affairs. That is why I ask You, to help me, Mother, the testament of the Lord Jesus Christ to fulfil in entirety. Let nothing in me will not be hidden before You, let nothing, what composes my life, does not hurt Your maternity Heart. Amen. 

The Mystery of the Holy Rosary:

The Crucifixion and the death of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Under Your protection...
Mother of Sorrow, Mother of the Lord’s Grace, pray for us.
The Lady of Gidle, pray for us.

The sixth day of novena

Holy Mary, Mother of the Church, the first moments already after Resurrection of Your Son confirmed, how much You are needed to the Lord Jesus Christ’s pupils. It is You, full of grace and unlimited hope, who managed to gather the frightened apostles and together with them kept the vigil on prayer, by the time they became fulfilled with the Holy Spirit and could courageously call to all people and nations, that there was no salvation for them beyond the Name of the Lord Jesus. That gift of courage and support of hope, which You are carrying, Holy Mary, through generations, becoming the Mother of the whole time nascent Church. Holy Mary, be with me especially in this time, when my faith and hope weaken. Be with me in this time when, a temptation of looking for a salvation beyond Your Son afflicts me. Let me be near to You, Mother, and thanks to Your intercession the Holy Spirit strengthens me, in order to I intrepidly and with the whole power could testify about the love of Your Son, our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Amen.

The Mystery of the Holy Rosary:

The Descent of the Holy Spirit.
Under Your protection...
Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for us.
The Holy Mother of Gidle, pray for us.

The seventh day of novena

Your life, Holy Mary, brace like the buckles, two big privileges, which You received from the Lord: Immaculate Conception and Your glorious Assumption into Heaven. Thanks to these gifts You walked, Holy Mary, through life, free from original sin and its tragic results. And at the end of Your life on the earth, Your death, became at the same time the entrance in Your Resurrection. The Lord took You without a delay into the land of eternal happiness, from where You intercede for all of us, who still are submitted to suffering and death, to walk through grave and to wait a long time for our Resurrection. O, Mary Assumed into Heaven, who from the height of Heaven, intercede for us at the Lord, hear my humble requests and present my warm request to Your Son. Above all I ask You, Mary, in order to my life will be whole time directed to that final aim of earthly pilgrimage, which is the salvation and the life in the House of Father. Amen. 

The Mystery of the Holy Rosary:

The Assumption into Heaven of the Holy Mother.
Under Your protection...
Queen assumed into Heaven, pray for us.
The Holy Mother of Gidle, pray for us. 

The eighth day of novena

Holy Mary, Your glorious Assumption into Heaven did not cause, that You went away from our everyday affairs. Your maternity love even more successfully engages in the human difficult problems. Many times and in different ways we can experience Your proximity and maternity help. You yourself chooses the places and the symbols of Your special presence with us, in order to we after the earthly pilgrimage could meet You, could stay in front of You and ask for Your help. This truth in the space of centuries confirms also the Sanctuary in Gidle. Through Your miraculous Figure of Gidle, hidden in soil and found in soil, You want to tell us, Mother, how much You are near-by to these people, who wander through the earth, how incessantly You desire to share their hardships and to be help for them. I ask You, the Lady of Gidle, hear my call and come to me with help in affair, which I through this novena entrust to You. My gratitude let be expressed by this, that I will remain Your faithful worshiper for ever. And also I will become a witness of love, which You dispense, so generously through centuries in the Sanctuary in Gidle to all, who escape to Your help on this place. The Lady of Gidle, hear my requests and remain my Mother and Queen for ever. Amen. 

The Mystery of the Holy Rosary:

The Crowning of the Holy Mother in Heaven.
Under Your protection...
Help of Christian, pray for us.
The Holy Mother of Gidle, pray for us. 

The ninth day of novena – the ending

The Holy Mother of Gidle, Health of the Sick, the Comforter of the dejected, here through succeeding days of my beseeching prayer I bring with trust to You my request for help in my affair. At the same time, I am learning from You the faith and trusting the Lord, on which was based the whole Your earthly life. Emboldened by the experience of generations, I remind Your Sanctuary in Gidle, with which You connected so many graces dispensed to these, who asked for them in front of Your miraculous picture. The Holy Mother of Gidle, I ask You for hearing my requests, and above all for help in a life dignified to the child of the God and for a grace of eternal salvation. Amen. 

Litany of Loreto to the Most Holy Virgin Mary

V. Lord, have mercy.
R. Christ have mercy.
V. Lord have mercy. Christ hear us.
R. Christ graciously hear us.
God the Father of heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.

Holy Mary, pray for us.
Holy Mother of God, pray for us.
Holy Virgin of Virgins, pray for us.
Mother of Christ, pray for us.
Mother of divine grace, pray for us.
Mother most pure, pray for us.
Mother most chaste, pray for us.
Mother inviolate, pray for us.
Mother undefiled, pray for us.
Mother most amiable, pray for us.
Mother most admirable, pray for us.
Mother of good Counsel, pray for us.
Mother of our Creator, pray for us.
Mother of our Saviour, pray for us.
Virgin most prudent, pray for us.
Virgin most venerable, pray for us.
Virgin most renowned, pray for us.
Virgin most powerful, pray for us.
Virgin most merciful, pray for us.
Virgin most faithful, pray for us.
Mirror of justice, pray for us.
Seat of wisdom, pray for us.
Cause of our joy, pray for us.
Spiritual vessel, pray for us.
Vessel of honour, pray for us.
Singular vessel of devotion, pray for us.
Mystical rose, pray for us.
Tower of David, pray for us.
Tower of ivory, pray for us.
House of gold, pray for us.
Ark of the covenant, pray for us.
Gate of heaven, pray for us.
Morning star, pray for us.
Health of the sick, pray for us.
Refuge of sinners, pray for us.
Comforter of the afflicted, pray for us.
Help of Christians, pray for us.
Queen of Angels, pray for us.
Queen of Patriarchs, pray for us.
Queen of Prophets, pray for us.
Queen of Apostles, pray for us.
Queen of Martyrs, pray for us.
Queen of Confessors, pray for us.
Queen of Virgins, pray for us.
Queen of all Saints, pray for us.
Queen conceived without original sin, pray for us.
Queen assumed into Heaven, pray for us.
Queen of the most Holy Rosary, pray for us.
Queen of peace, pray for us.

V. Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world,
R. Spare us, O Lord.
V. Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world,
R. Graciously hear us, O Lord.
V. Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world,
Have mercy on us.

V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray. Grant, we beseech Thee, O Lord God, that we thy servants may enjoy perpetual health of mind and body, and by the glorious intercession of blessed Mary, ever Virgin, may we be freed from present sorrow, and rejoice in eternal happiness. Through Christ our Lord. R. Amen.


Under Your protection we escape, the Holy Mother of the God, do not despise our requests in our needs, but from all wrong adventures please always redeem us, Glorious and Blessed Virgin. O, Our Lady, our Advocate, our Mediator, our Comforter. Reconcile us with Your Son, recommend us to Your Son, give us to Your Son.

Saint Bernard’s prayer

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that any one who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, and sought thy intercession, was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I fly unto thee O Virgin of virgins, my Mother, to thee I come, before thee I stand sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate! despise not my petitions, but, in thy mercy, hear and answer me. Amen 

Prayer to the Holy Mother of Gidle

Mary, the Best Mother, From the Cross of Salvation, the Lord Jesus Christ said the words, by which He connected for ever the destiny of a man with Your maternity protection and presence in our earthly pilgrimage. So many times You confirmed, Mother, that it is not indifferent for You: distress, sorrow and pain of Your children. Today, when I experience everyday worry, diseases and pain, I ask You, Mother, come to me with help. Teach me in silence of heart to receive the everyday cup of sufferings and I ask with humility, if it is consistent with Father’s Will, for a healing of my soul and body. Let be forgiven me, through Your intercession, life and health serve for glory of Your Son and it is a testimony of Your maternity care and protection, by which You everyday encompasses us.

Obtain for me also, Mother, the strengths needed for such carrying of the cross of commonplaceness, in order to it become nice to the Lord the means of compensation for all my sins and the sins of the whole world. 

Health of the Sick, pray for us.
The Holy Mother of Gidle, hear us. 

Prayer to the Holy Mother of Gidle

(before the use of the vine of Gidle)

The Lady of Gidle, Health of the Sick, pray for us. Before I use the vine, in which the Figure of Gidle, famous because of graces, was dipped. I call to You, Mother and ask for Your Mother’s touch. Strengthen my faith, heal the soul and the body, in order I could with clean heart announce Your maternity love and a power of Your intercession for me in Lord.

Help of Christians, pray for us.  

The Dominican Order
Address: Pl. Dominikański 6, 97-540 Gidle (6th Dominican Square, 97-540 Gidle)
On the permission of the Church Authority
Metropolitan Curia in Czestochowa
No.: ( 1053/98
From the day 11th December 1998. 

The information on this homepage of the Sanctuary in Gidle (Poland) have been taken from the official site on the permission of Father Marek Grzelczak; email: Look at for the complete story and the messages.