The Pregnant Holy Mother of Matemblewo

Tradition says that a resident of Matarnia went to Gdansk to look for a help for his wife, who was expected a child. It was cold winter, it was snow-storm, and that man had to walk to town Gdansk distant about 10 km. In the middle of the way, he lost his strength and he was unable to go further. He started to pray zealously. In one moment he noticed a Beautiful Pregnant Lady, surrounded by white light. The Beautiful Lady told him to come back home, as his wife was fine and he already had a son. When he came back home, it appeared that the situation was the same as the Beautiful Lady had said.

Several days later, the man related about all this event to Cistercian monks, who had their abbey in Oliwa. They believed that the story was true and they decided to honour the Holy Mother by putting the small chapel on the place of the apparition.

Today, on the place of the apparition there is the Sanctuary of the Pregnant Holy Mother of Matemblewo.


Prayer to the Holy Mother of Matemblewo

Miraculous Lady of Matemblewo!
You are the biggest, after the Lord, our consolation.
We approach to You with our full confidence,
As children come to their mother, we come to You,
We humble ourselves in front of You, we beseech for Your help, Mary!
You made so many miracles on this place which You chose,
You heard so many unhappy people and
You healed them from sicknesses of the body and soul,
You gave a desired child for so many families.
The Holy Mother of Matemblewo!
Be strength of our mothers who expect a child,
Help them in order for they will not be afraid of troubles of maternity.
Care for our families and lead them to Your Son,
Who together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns for ever.

Visitor Information for the Shrine of the Pregnant Holy Mother of Matemblewo

Sanktuarium Matki Bożej Brzemiennej w Matemblewie
ul. Matemblewska 67
80-283 Gdańsk

tel. (58) 346-21-34  Sanktuarium/Parafia
tel. (58) 522-43-41  Dom Samotnej Matki Caritas
tel. (58) 348-03-66  Siostry Kanoniczki Ducha Św.

Kustosz sanktuarium: ks. kanonik Andrzej Pradela

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